The Block Shot In Table tennis




during our training sessions we were faced with challenges to learn how to do certain skills and techniques one of these is the block shot (as seen in the attached picture). To learn how to do this move we practiced playing the defensive shot onto green mats just over the net.

Table tennis has become a game of fast paced shots and quick thinking players with increasing speed and different skills to add to this speed for example topspin, players must create a way to counteract this move and they have. The move is called the block and is used when the player needs to slow down the speed at which the ball is coming towards the player and also puts the opposing player out of position to play their next move.

To do the block the player must hold the bat flat with the face facing the opposing player then with the arm at a 90 degree angle keeping the arm rigid moving the body only play into the ball placing the ball just over the net.






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